Lesson Contents:
Let's begin our lesson by first understanding the setup diagram.
- We will start with deploying an application in Azure cloud using Azure Managed Kubernetes Service or AKS.
- In the next step, using XC console we will create an Azure V-net Site, or, a CE site, as we call it, and will configure it with the same V-net as that of the worker node of the A K S cluster.
- Now, we will create a HTTP load balancer, configure it with a WAF policy, and advertise it to the CE site to route client requests and secure the application at the same time.
This setup will allow end users to directly connect to the CE site and communicate with the application, bypassing the XC global network.
To conclude, following this way of deployment, the user traffic is directed to the backend application without any intermediary processing, and organizations can leverage the full functionality of F5 XC irrespective of their application's environment.